In May Maine Township Mainestreamers celebrated their 14th annual 90 Plus Birthday Party event. They invited over 200 Maine township residents including our own Generations at Oakton residents Mary B. who is turning 101 in September, Grace who is 98 and more. The event welcomed guests as well as their friends and family members to celebrate with food, cake and fun. Special thanks to Mary Swanson Director of MaineStreamers and Supervisor Carol Tessci.
Recently Generations at Oakton’s administrator Bart Barrish and residents welcomed IL Senator for the 28th District Laura M. Murphy (D-Des Plaines). Senator Murphy spoke to our residents about her role in the community, senior issues and to expand on her two decades of experience in health care and social services management. We appreciate her tireless efforts for the Des Plaines community.
Our residents know how to party! Joe M. recently turned 90 and gave us a party instead. He gifted the Generations at Oakton Arms family with cake, beer and wine. He was excited to celebrate with everyone and show his appreciation for the generosity and friends he has made over his nine years at the independent living facility. Go Joe!